
By Akasha

butter me up

Had a busy week, last week. It was my birthday last Thursday and I had a reflexology class all day which was good. Getting to grips with the techniques.
Friday afternoon I took care of Isla, then came night time and realized I hadn't taken a photo of her and that I had forgotten to take my camera out with me, I am putting it down to age!!!!!! My sister in law rang to see if she could come over and stay with us for the weekend, she was bringing her Australian back packing chum with her. He turned out to be a nice bloke. But was looking forward to chilling over weekend, needless to say that didn't happen.
So today I woke up feeling completely shattered (don't sleep very well at the best of times, must visit doc about suspected sleep apnoiea) I thought Yoga would revitalise me which it did a little. See what rest of week brings.

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