
By SomethingAwful

Squelch, Crunch, Squelch, Crunch, Coast...

About the picture: I'm still only using program mode so I think I had the aperture too wide but if I hadn't, you might be able to see the myriad snails all the way to the back - the hedge was covered! I do like that I've (accidentally) got that patch of grey sky in the corner. Adds atmosphere. ;)

They were all out today on my walk home. Luckily the ten minutes I spent outside were dry ones, but it's been chucking it down on and off all day!

Lovely to watch.

Am managing to walk a bit better on my ankle, just as long as I don't over-do it.

Got home and got a bunch of life-administration out the way, so that's good, and I've got an evening of quality (for the most part) TV lined up! Safe.

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