Leith School of Art
Drawing as meditation.
What an amazing day. My peer support worker saw this advertised and thought of me. I was brave enough to book it.
A group of 8 of us. Meditation to start with which I really enjoyed. Then we got a few hours in the morning using charcoal, chalk, and wax crayons to draw lines on our out breath. We were only allowed to draw horizontal and vertical lines, in any way you wanted. We weren't to think about it, just draw. Our first exercise was to draw lines vertically starting from the middle of the paper and go right, then change hands and on our out breath with our non drawing hand and go left.
Then we were left to do what we wanted, focusing on drawing lines only on our out breath.
He showed us an artist who practices this type of drawing, on slides, annoyingly I forgot to bring our schedule home and I can't remember her name.
This afternoon we started again by meditating, then using the same technique, we used acrylic paint and ink. I preferred the charcoal but still really enjoyable. Loved focusing on my breath and I blocked everything out.
A really fast 6 hours and a very different day. We ended the day by putting all our drawings on the wall and each of us talking about them, what we found out, enjoyed etc.
The top right picture are some of my drawings of the day.
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