
By davidc

Second Time Lucky

Following our abortive attempt to help Son#3 with some DIY last Saturday (when we found that parts were missing from the box of fixings) we went back this morning with a couple of new boxes, and after a while (and no swearing - rare during DIY jobs!) the wall bracket for their TV is now firmly attached as you can see.

There was a TV here when they moved into the house almost 5 years ago, which they decided to keep. However one night there was an enormous crash as it fell off the wall (the TV was terminally damaged!): fortunately no-one was present to be injured. It transpired that it had been fixed to the plasterboard with puny attachments and the screws had finally broken free. So this time we've used 6 proper long plugs and screws which go almost 8cm into the thermal blocks behind the plasterboard.

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