A time for everything

By turnx3

Afternoon treat

We’d received about another inch of snow overnight, but the roads were fine for driving to church for choir practice this morning. We practiced for about an hour, then we spent sometime discussing the future time for choir practice. Traditionally it had been 7.30 Thursday evening for years, then when Michael came a few years back, there seems to have been some miscommunication, since he made it 7.00 pm, thinking that’s what it had been. Then a few months ago, since there is a couple that doesn’t really like driving at night, he changed it to Thursday morning, but also holding a practice Thursday evening for those who preferred, or in one lady’s case who is still working, could only come then. I prefer Thursday evening as I like to go to a Bible study group in the morning, and we both have handbells Thursday evening, and there are several of the choir members who also play handbells. Then this month he’s tried Saturday morning - so we’ve been “all over the map”. The general consensus seemed to be to revert to Thursday evening.
After a bit of lunch at home, R and I went out to do some clothes shopping - to get R a new pair of dress trousers and new socks, and me a new pair of jeans. We ended up going to two stores -:getting R’s things from one, but having to go a bit further afield for my jeans. In between, we decided to try out this new bakery which I had read about online, called Tous Les Jours.
I had an almond croissant and R had something else. Whilst not quite up to genuine French almond croissants, it was pretty good, and R enjoyed his, so I think we will be going back!
In the evening it was back to church for handbells practice, concentrating on the piece we will be playing on Sunday.

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