talloplanic views

By Arell


Since the trip distance meter on my Africa Twin hasn't worked properly in almost forever, it's hard to know when I'm likely to run out of fuel.  It doesn't have a fuel gauge for reasons known only to Mr Honda, so I've always had to wait for the engine to splutter while on the move so that I can fumble under the seat and switch to the reserve and look for a petrol station.  This has been A Bit of a Pain.

So I've acquired this piece of ancient history to play with.  I mean, it's a Garmin alright but it doesn't do colour, its built in map is laughably crude, it can just barely talk to a computer (assuming you have an RS232 port...), and it's so old it's gone right over the 1024 week limit for its date function, so it thinks it's living in 2005.  And even then it was already seven years old.  I only plan to use it for measuring distance though.

I bought it for almost nothing but it came with the original handwritten receipt for the small fortune of £339!  That would be about £650 in today's money.  It'll sit happily on a car dashboard though and measure away, so I will install it on my equally ancient bike and see how we do.

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