Life on the Mothership!

By TheMothership

We got around the water tower…

…by ourselves!!!! 3.6 miles and bitless. Last minute decision as was supposed to be riding out with Tara but they couldn’t make it. So when I went to feed at 7am I had an inspirational thought of ride now before you feed him then whatever happens you’re only managing him not vehicles as well. So off we went. A bit hair raising at times but we survived and lived to tell the tale. Second photo is on our return. I think that’s what I’ll do is ride really early when I can on our own then only got sheep, pheasants, annoying guard dog, leaves, puddles and strange looking lumps of mud to worry about!
Was in waggon overnight, 15° at 8pm. Amazing. Digby spent the night in stable naked and was lovely and warm this am.
Big F enjoyed a quick trip up this afternoon to bring in.

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