
By aryomjapes

Duck Pond 2

Foolishly, I had set off for my daily walk straight after lunch on the only really sunny day since I have been here.

I had my first sit down for my post lunch coffee by the duck pond I had found the other day but I kept being nudged at by dogs I was doing nothing to make them think I wanted to engage with them... their minders all seemed to think I was being unreasonable as I politely asked them to remove the dog. Then as other humans started eyeing up the bench which I was occupying (other benches were available!!).. and finally one silently  plonked herself down at the other end of my bench accompanied with a hard glare which dared me to comment. I decided I had better remove me as my comments would not have been polite.... 

This duck pond is only five minutes from my original place but is closer to the main road.

And there I finished my coffee in peace without dogs wondering if I would be friendly or feed them and without humans who can't grasp the concept that someone may not want their quiet space invaded. 

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