Me, My Camera & I

By notgraham

Breakfast at IKEA

Nothing like getting up early on a Sunday morning for a trawl of IKEA. With us making it an early day event we got tucked into a breakfast to set us up for the day.
Outside it was looking a bit dire. Snapping a picture of it doesn't do it justice. There is a yellow weather warning in place and with that a cross wind in the car park. I expect over today there are going be be a number of people caught out as they exit their car and the wind catching their door. Happened to me, thankfully with an empty space next to us.

We did the needful tasks today, and returned home. Out of the wind and bluster. The leaves continue to congregate at our front door after a task to clear them yesterday. So far, we've got a 240L brown bin of leaves waiting for their March collection date and a 400L garden bag slowly being topped up with leaves as I can be bothered to pick them up. As the trees are bare of their leaves from 2024 I don't know where they are all coming from!

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