New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Glasgow HEMA open 25

Our sword club held the first day of their annual tournament today.  I wasn't competing as don't have all the kit required, but I did volunteer to be a table monkey and help out during the event.  I was table-ing for the Women's competitions, partly to support the women competing and partly to see how beaten I'd get if I was taking part!

Table monkeying turned out to be quite intense, timing the bouts, reording the scores and declaring the winner of the matches.  I was so focused that I didn't really managed to take much in beyond what I was doing.  Afterwards I got to watch some of the open bouts and take lots of photos.  Took me a while to get the settings right but got somewhere in the ball park eventually!  Bad news though, halfway through the afternoon I started getting some random dark patches on my shots. Pal M from the club who also knows cameras said it might just be dirt on the sensor or it might be that the sensor has finally given up the ghost.  So might not be any good quality blips from me until I can sort it / get a new camera! 

Overall had a great day, hung out with some good people afterwards too.  Took lots of photos and had a blast.  Hoping to compete myself next year!

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