Mike Lincoln

By Linxpix

Sheet music

This is a small section of my sheet music that I turn to most frequently. I put some wheels on an old piece of pine that means I can manoeuvre it all about without having to lift the storage box :-) The rest is in 2 book cases , which I occasionally look at to to remind myself of what's there !
Which most probably means it is too difficult, but might be a challenge at some point in the future.
I have not been out today, so watch rugby league and the Italian French union game in fast forward !! .
On the positive side I think The Bach prelude No 23 book 1 is beginning to make sense hands together. I have decided the no 2 c minor is too much of a challenge for my left hand currently, but will revisit in the future.
I had the piano tuned last Thursday, so good to have it right up to pitch again .

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