Hands up….
…if you’re having fun!
Oh my, it was blowing an absolute gale up on the moors. It was difficult walking from the car to the start of the wall alongside the reservoir. Once past the wall the wind whipped you with such a force it took our breath away. The water temp was definitely a degree or two warmer than last week, but it was churning up in the wind and like swimming in a washing machine. It certainly woke us up! A very exhilarating start to the day.
As I walked back we had to climb up a few steps in the wall…as I reached the top the wind whacked me viciously and I stumbled forward. It was like everything went in slow motion and I couldn’t stop myself falling as the wind was relentless. I fell and was tossed onto my back. I wish I still bounced back up like I did when I was younger. Fortunately, I was well padded with my layers of clothes and my dryrobe. My back has been aching all week and was on the mend but now it’s aching again and I’m a bit bruised, but nothing broken so all is good.
Margaret and I went for breakfast in Delph. It’s become our new Sunday routine now.
I went to bingo tonight with Sue, sadly we didn’t win anything but it was good fun.
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