Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Gipsy Kings


It's been a busy Sunday! G left home early to attend the contemporary service and then to a 4get-me-not do. I emerged later than intended as I didn't get to bed until 2 AM, finishing my new video.

I did some chores and then - surprise - G came back early. She got her day wrong. It's just as well as it's a busy time week and she could do with the rest.

The big thing today was being treated to a Gipsy Kings concert by Miriam. It is to celebrate all our birthdays. We got there early and had a snack and glass of Prosecco before going into the auditorium. I didn't for a moment think we would be in the Stalls. Amazing! We were less than 20 metres from the stage.

Anyone who has seen the Gipsy Kings live will know how high-energy they are. The driving rhythm and sound of four rhythm guitars is unique! The place was packed with a diverse audience. The band though stuck to singing and talking in Spanish. I think everyone smiled through the 90-minute performance often clapping along and standing up to dance.

We were invited to join the after-concert party, something neither of us had ever experienced before, so we went back to meet the waiter who gave us the vouchers. He was true to his word and escorted us to the venue. It had a live DJ who played more high-energy music and we enjoyed F&B with 50% off! It was a weeknight though, so we left just after midnight, dropping Miriam back to her hotel before getting home. It's been an incredible evening.

PS. I wasn't allowed to take my "professional" camera (Fujifilm X20) in so haven't got a decent picture of the band to post. ;(

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