..endeavour to persevere

By Nick_T

A dabbler

Today.. IKEA Flatpacktastic.
 Jess needed wardrobes, the previous occupiers of our house seemed to operate without any somehow. I'd built mine last month (always sort your own oxygen mask first!).
Anyway, building 3 while manoeuvring them about in a small bedroom was a challenge but we got there.. The day was divided by a yoga session for Jess and a trip to the tip with a car full of cardboard for me.
A quick detour on the way back to Thacka nature reserve. Nothing unusual but like the humble Pigeon, the Mallard is often overlooked. This chap looked amazing in the sunshine today. I particularly liked his glossy bill. I read that ducks are categorised into "dabblers" which feed at the surface or turn upside down feeding in the margins or "divers" which dive and swim with feet and/or wings.
I like to dabble but it's more of a DIY sort of dabble rather than going upside down in muddy ponds..

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