Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Obedient little Collie

Went along the lane for my afternoon walk. Usually, if Ann's been working, she'll just take me back down to the beach for a play. Today she was tired and said she didn't have the energy to walk up a big steep hill for the third time today, so we just went along the lane instead.

The lane is pretty boring apart from the bunny field. I LOVE the bunny field. Unfortunately the bunnies only seem to play in their field at dawn & dusk and as it was about 4pm there were no bunnies about. Booohoooo!
I squished myself under the barbed wire fence and had a good look around and then when Ann said, 'Trixie come, there's no bunnies about today', I immediately just came zooming back to Ann. Just how obedient was that???

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