Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Tells a story …

Haaaaaa …
Teacher training day at Martha’s school. So I looked after her from 7.30am … we went over to Solihull as it’s got a decent toy shop so I could let her choose something for her birthday which is in a couple of weeks . I’d much rather they have some absolute crap they enjoy than me just guess .
There is a tv show on called Gabbys dollhouse ( I think it’s that ) and at the moment this is the thing which interests her … I don’t actually care as long as it makes her happy for however long the fad lasts . She’s still playing with last years crap so I’m confident it’ll get a fair amount of attention, when she’s bored with it baby George can have a play .
Here we have kindly Uncle Jim looking thrilled at putting it together… this is the face he used to make with our three girls and all their rubbish they loved so much .

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