All Talk
Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,
The Prince called when he arrived in London this morning…and he hadn’t had a breakfast burrito!! After all that chat, he didn’t feel like one at 5 am. I have now banned all conversion about airport food in our house.
The Youngest Mini Princess and I went along to see The Eldest Mini Princess playing in a piano recital this afternoon in a local church. EMP was nervous beforehand but she played really well and even managed to keep playing (without faltering) when 3 randoms wandering into the church and started talking really loudly. The piano teacher indicated for them to be quiet by putting her finger over her mouth but they just kept going - until YMP did the same thing, accompanied by a death stare!
We had a girls pizza and movie night and watched ‘We Live in Time’. At the end, YMP declared that ‘it wasn’t that sad’ which had EMP and I crying with laughter as we’re not sure how much worse it gets than an film about dealing with the heartache of terminal cancer!*
We followed it up with ‘Bridget Jones’s Diary’ as YMP has seen the new film (which apparently does qualify as sad) but not any of the originals. I had forgotten how properly funny Hugh Grant is in them.
The only family member unimpressed with our movie night was Murphy as YMP sits next to me on the sofa which is HIS PLACE! He conveyed his displeasure at having to share by sitting in front of her and staring! To add insult to injury, the MP’s had the audacity to sleep in the beds he likes to sneak on if the doors are left open.
*Apparently it’s because ‘One Day’ was so devastating to watch and this wasn’t as bad!
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