FaceTime Art
Lucy messaged me to ask if I wanted to do some art with her.
We take turns suggesting what to draw. It was great because Amelia was out with her friends and it kept Lucy occupied - and me too!
Don’t look at me - I look like a scarecrow! I’ve had a cough and a cold the last couple of days but this morning it got worse, I woke up early with a really sore throat and came downstairs. There was still a bit of an ice pop in the freezer from when the girls were last here. It really soothed my throat. I ran out of tissues and went through a whole loo roll for my nose!
When Frank went for pre assessment today he got me some Rowntrees
Ice lollies. They’re great to have in the freezer for sore throats, it’s the only time I eat them. He’s having his shoulder replacement on March 7th!
It was lovely and sunny today so I ventured out and potted on my tomato and pepper seedlings. It was good to be outdoors and feel the sunshine and Vitamin D on my skin.
Off to bed now after a Lemsip.
Goodnight Blippers! :-) X
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