
By Pinkhairedlady

Dance troupe

Woke feeling a lot better so took Phin for a romp in the woods after breakfast. Very refreshing to be out but tiring!

Decorating the church hall was in the cards for the afternoon before a last minute rehearsal. Home for a quick rest before heading to the house of one of our fellow rotarians to get changed. Janis had laid in fuzz and snacks whilst we got ready and I loved her door decorations of Memsahib, Sahib and Grumpy cat, enter at your own risk signs!

Arrived at the hall to find it full as we’d managed to get our timings a little wrong. However it all worked out in the end and a great time was had by all. Our dancing went down well and it was a really fun night. We raided almost £400 from our raffle which will be put to good use in the community soon.

Many hands made light work of the tidying up
And we were home for just after 11.

Backblipped Monday for Saturday

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