
By Memories4Me

Jerry Rigged

The cheeky squirrels knocked down the bird feeder and the top rolled out of my reach behind a snow pile.  Hmmm, what to do.  I went scrounging in the barn and found an old cat feeder I no longer use.  Perfect!  I drilled a hole in the well so I could secure it to the decking, and I added a brick to keep the squirrels from pulling off the top.  It only took 5 minutes for a chickadee to find it.  So, until John can retrieve the feeder, this will work nicely.  A temporary construction using materials on hand, the term jerry rigged comes from the Middle English words jory, meaning "improvised", and rig, meaning "sail". The term dates back to 1788.  I'm reading a book I got at the pirate museum last month about Black Sam Bellamy's ship the Whydah Gally that sunk off Cape Cod.  They had to jerry rig their mast that broke in a storm.  I love the origin of words.

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