School again
This morning some of the out of school young children came in to the early intervention class again. These are two of them. I have to admit that it was lovely to see that toys and larger pieces of equipment I'd drawn up instructions for and had had made locally, in previous years, were being well used. Some of them were being used differently to what was planned but that's fine. I'm just happy to see them being used. This physio really is good at her job and people come because they have heard of her work.
The smallest child, a little boy has very young parents, both still under 20. He is 13 months old. Just a month younger than Bonnie. Mum had a premature labour and the baby had difficulties during birth. He still doesn't have a full diagnosis, but the work the physio is doing with him is giving some improvement in muscle strengthening and releasing tightness. The older little boy is just 5. He has Cerebral Palsy and some damage to his brain too, resulting in very delayed speech and poor muscle control. You can see in the thumbnail that his hand movements are not right, but he manages really well and tries hard to do what is asked. He has orthotics (calflettes) to support his lower legs and help him walk. He's very excited about walking and tries really hard.
The little girl with the scarf is just delightful, she is not part of the class I support but it's a pupil in the main school which is for children with learning difficulties. We gave her and her mum a lift in the auto today when I was on my way to the exchange to convert the money I'd brought out.
This afternoon I went into the outer suburbs of Palayamkottai to a friend's house. He was the former correspondent (basically like a lay manager attached to the school by the church) a few years ago. He was very involved, very interested in the children and a real positive force. His wife came into school as a volunteer and taught the post school girls to sew and embroider. They produced items which were able to be sold. A few years ago I brought lots of hand embroidered hankies back to Edinburgh with me to sell on behalf of the school. Others have seen it as a prestige appointment and a way of raising their own profile.
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