BoHingles Blips

By BoHingles

Orla wanted to go outside

After an extremely exhausting night with poor Orla (I think she finally settled at about 3:30am) we were both in no fit state to do anything. The blisters and spots were causing her so much discomfort and pain.

I had to have the day off work so the morning didn't really start until it was midday. She started to feel a little better over breakfast and by mid afternoon I couldn't believe the change in her.

She asked to go into the garden for some fresh air and even managed to play in her play house.

So happy we have got through the worst now and there are no new blisters on her as I write this. Hopefully they all scab over nicely now and she can recover and get back to school asap.

Thank you all for the kind wishes for her.

Extras --- > Playing in house and a close up of a pale, spotty, messy haired Orla (for the record books).

Mr Bo Hingles

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