Cannon Hall Renovations
It’s a while since I was at Cannon Hall and even when I was last there with GG we didn’t go much further than the Doggy Cafe and the shop. Today I was with Debbie and Terri and we walked up from the lower car-park, so I got quite a surprise when I saw the scaffolding. My first outing out with anyone other than family or friends taking me to appointments. It was a bit of a mixed experience for me, but maybe a story for the morning. I’m trying a new tactic tonight to keep my eyes open until 10 when my last meds are due. It’s the waking in the night that is finishing me. I go to sleep easily but then wake for the loo, go back to sleep only to be awake anytime from 3am. If I’m lucky I go back to sleep for another hour, maybe today there were too many anxieties hanging around for me to sleep.
The electricity has been off from 9.30am and scheduled to come back on at 3.30pm, which actually became 5pm. I was cold and very tired by then despite my gas fire. I’ve got the steam up since then, so it’s lovely and warm now.
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