
By dogwithnobrain

And all at once i saw a crowd, a host

Si had a very busy day today.... He bought 5 pallets of compost for the allotment.  

This involved negotiating with the shop for a discount.  Tick.

It also involved hiring a van for transport.  Tick 

I had to get up ... Drive him down to pick up the van. A three tonne none the less I parked up in a lay by and waited for him to drive past .... Whoosh. There he went 

There were five other assistants at the allotment.   Si drove five miles picked up one pallet drove to allotment; the gang emptied it   

He took two of them back with him and rather than load the pallets they threw 142 bags of 50 lts into the van 

Then drove back. Unloaded and drove over again 

375 in total.... His muscles will be aching tomorrow.   4.2 tonnes 

I sat on my arse and did nothing   not strictly true.  I made cakes from a recipe I found in social media ... It went straight in the bin

Awful. I read a comment later which said it was an AI recipe and a lot of nonsense.  It was.   Rubbish. I was saddened 

I made some meringues which were better.  And I also did some crochet 

Then at 130. He text and said heading back down ... I figured that meant I had to go too 

I got distracted though when I spotted these daffodils ... First daffs of the year 

I drove down and spotted the van and I drove alongside. Grinning like a loony. Glancing over as I pulled ahead. I realised it wasn't him.  She must have thought I was a stalking maniac 

Five minutes later i realised he was in front of me .... So I followed him along and picked him up and brought him home 

He was knackered 

But still recovered enough to make me a lovely dinner 

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