Recycled Flowerpot Men.
At the recycling centre (aka "Dump") there has been a little recycling. Some items of garden ornamentation have been fished out of the skip labelled "Hardcore" and used to decorate the flower(?) border that skirts the site. They could do with some TLC. I know someone who would persuade her husband to dig out the paints and brushes at least once a year to spruce them up a little.
There are some of us old enough to remember the television series, "Watch With Mother" which, once a week, featured Bill and Ben and the inimitable Weed; in fact some of us are so old we never saw it because there was a conflict between the school timetable and the television schedule. I was very surprised to find that the series was sexed up and remade for broadcast just over ten years ago and is, apparently, still broadcast in Ireland.
I'd have thought that, in this day and age, they could have come up with something a little better - even in Ireland.
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