Little Missy

Now I wish I could say this is my new kitty but I can't. She is a stray that lives in our neighborhood. The people on the corner feed her. I asked them what their cat's name was and she said "Well, she's really a stray and doesn't have a name. We call her Holly." So that tells me they are being kind and feeding her but not interested in adopting her. So I've started feeding her too and really working on trying to gain her trust. She will come within about 2 feet of me but won't let me touch her....yet! She will come in the back door and eat some treats but only if the back door is open so she can make her get away.
She is a long way from being an indoor/outdoor cat but I would love that to happen. I don't want her to spend another cold winter outside. The big issue is I'm not supposed to have pets in the house. I'm going to try and make it through the summer as we are but hopefully I can get permission to have her inside next winter. She has some beautiful toffee coloring mixed in with her gray stripes. She seems to be very healthy, sweet and rolls around when she sees me. Fingers crossed!!!
The extra is our team photo today. Kayti, on the left, made us all shirts. The saying is "The children of today will make all the discoveries of tomorrow." By Maria Montessori. The triangle is the bead bars that we use as a math tool and is a very common Montessori sight.

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