Busy day ….
Both boys to school this morning. Caleb feeling better although didn’t eat all his breakfast.
Weekly shopping trip - we don’t always need a lot and are trying out different times of the day and days of the week. Tuesday morning quite quiet.
Unpack back home and load up car for charity run. A local charity hospice shop very grateful if our donations.
Then a trip, with wool, to a local “hookers” charity that crochet (and knit) for the community. Tgey were very happy too.
After lunch, a call from the boys school, Caleb poorly. Collected both boys. Caleb looked quite washed out.
Walking Lili tonight, trying to locate the planets in the sky - you can just about make out one planet in this photo, taken as the sun is going down. Will try again tomorrow night.
Relaxing evening.
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