
By dwalletta

Πότε είναι το επόμενο πλοίο *

Flights are booked, nothing else is planned. I dug out my old travel guide, a first edition from 1982. Things were a bit different then.

It was not long after the demise of the colonels and the military dictatorship, Papandreou had been elected the first socialist prime minister, and the country had just joined the European Community.

More importantly, according to the guidebook "If you camp out rough, buy some of your own food and hitch lifts, it's possible to manage on £3-4 a day, and for about £6-8 you can actually live quite well."

The guide also helpfully points out that "You can be arrested for nude bathing, camping outside an authorised site, and for possessing drugs". I never did any of the last one, but I did plenty of the first two.

It will be somewhat different this time around - which is good and bad. I'm not young, free and single anymore, so I won't be able to flirt under the stars with Zorba or any of his cronies. On the other hand, these old bones will be glad to swap a night on the beach for a bed with a decent mattress and a hot shower.

*When is the next ferry?

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