
By Scobes

Kelsae via Eskbank…

….the familiar trek up the A68 to Aunty K’s flat to scrape the blistering window frames. A bit of light sanding and then a couple of coats should do it. I suspect we’ll get a 3 rating in the home report no matter what we do.

Then a coffee with Chris before heading back over the Lammermuir massif to Kelso for mid-week supplies. I quite enjoy food shopping by myself. Anything is possible and no aisle is off-limits to my catholic eye. Shopping with Nancy is an all together more presbyterian experience and it seems the devil inhabits certain spaces.

Double bonus, I found a cooncil mini-dump behind Sainsbury’s, clearly based on, and sharing many of the excellent features of the magnificent Gala version. We live in wondrous times.

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