Happy Girls

It was cloud or rainy most of the day today. I didn't get out with my camera much at all and the light wasn't in my favor with the shots I did take. So, when the radar indicated a HUGE rain storm on its way, I decided to get the girls out on the evening walk a bit early. We managed to stay dry and only had to dodge a few rain drops. I took my small camera along and got several flower images along the way. But I couldn't resist a shot of these two happy, satisfied pups when we got back home. I was pretty pleased that they posed for me... A VERY rare occurrence. (The word treat may have been tossed about.) ;)

Now we are tucked inside and staying dry. (Mostly due to the fact that the radar predicted storm was a false alarm...) :-/ But hey, my walk duties are done and now I can enjoy the evening. :)

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