Look to the skies...
A generally uninspiring day of low cloud and rain with the occasional burst of blue sky and sunshine - typical spring weather! I've spent most of it reading books and playing bass... not a bad way to pass a dull day, to be honest.
I went out to check on the frogs, but it was all spawn this morning. Lots more of it... perhaps the frogs are underneath. This blackbird, though, was checking out something above both of us. Given the current state of the planet I was half expecting a Vogon constructor fleet...
But all the construction is across the playing field from us, where the initial civil for our new railway station are commencing. The aspiration is that we will have local trains (Gloucester to Bristol service) stopping ever hour, possibly every half hour.
That'll be nice, with shades of not nice (every cloud etc) as it will bring in more traffic than it replaces. But we roll with the blows. It's perhaps a slow start, as they dig lots of little trial holes. Rumour is the local authority have lost the buried services drawings...
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