just be

By justbe

A Cat for Turbulent Times

In a time of turbulence and change, it is more true than ever that knowledge is power.

John F. Kennedy

We are so lucky to have Fianna and Raven during these turbulent times. Both little house panthers are so affectionate. Fianna offers purring and extravagant affection on her own terms. Raven is a constant companion, with a very endearing habit. She will stand on her back legs and reach up to me to be picked up and cuddled with her head buried in my neck. It happens most mornings when she is 'helping' me make the bed. It often takes a while to finish that task as she asks to be held. She is a t my side most of the day. 

This photo was triggered by my watch. The iPhone screen shows large flashing numbers when taking selfies triggered by the watch, Raven was fascinated with them. I've faffed in a bit of 'turbulence.'

For the Record,
This day came in with sunshine, warm spring like temperatures and melting ice on the patio. I saw my chipmunk friend again this morning. 

All hands repelled by the cruelty of this administration in our White House. The Musk-rat must go.

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