Brown Clee In Cloud
This morning there were some nice conditions over the distant hills, with dramatic cloud billowing around the summit of Brown Clee and the radar masts that stand out on the skyline. The masts together with the array atop Titterstone Clee provide aviation and radio guidance for a hundred miles around..
This is clearly visible from our front garden and is just under 8.5 kilometres away in a straight line. It is about 5.3 miles and would take about 3.5 hours to walk if it were possible to do so. One day I will try.
My long lens compresses the distance and although this image is a cropped version the masts are still quite sharp. Another uncropped view in extra.
As usual, best viewed large for best results.
And this morning I cleaned all the windows, just before it rained.
Ho Hum....
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