A monumental task
Another day, another redundant chapel...
This one has been fortunate enough to have been bought by its community (not ours) and has received funding to transform it into a heritage centre.
Tonight saw its first public talk, preceded (here) by a young harpist rendering some traditional tunes as folk found their seats.
The speaker was Dr Angela John who lives locally and who, as a historian of Welsh women's lives, has been the chief force behind an initiative to render some of them more visible via commemorative statues. Prior to her efforts there were none at all in Wales; now thanks to Angela and her colleagues, five statues of women have been erected to highlight their impact on the communities in which they lived and worked, as well as on the wider world. They are here:
Monumental Welsh Women
I especially admire the last one, Cranogwen, who rebelled against her family's conventional 19th century expectations for her and went to sea in her father's boat, later becoming a 'master' mariner and teacher of navigation - before making her name as a writer, poet and speaker.
More about her here.
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