Waiting for My Car

Sadly my car isn't as flash as these ones. I only have a Citroen.

I dropped of my car off at 10am for
it's WOF and a service. My friend meet me there and we went to see a film which started at 10:20am. We both enjoyed the New Zealand film set in Christchurch called Tina. Lots of tears and many laughs. Here is a trailer if you would like to see it. 

After the film we had some lunch. There was a furniture shop nearby and I found a sofa for Akaroa. I have to replace the one I had as it water damaged and not repairable.

My car was surposed have been really by 2:30pm. Sadly it wasn't. I had to wait around until just before 4pm. All went well and it passed it's WOF. That the main thing. 

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