
By Grapefruits

Stumped ?

Todays blip is what appears to be extended metal tipped sleepers, they are @25 foot in length and just over a foot wide, I suspect their previous life was as emgency river bank shoring kit, now laid down for a few years in the local anglers car park by the River Weaver blue bridge so they may have been brought here to be used in the area as pilings for fishermen pontoons on the old Weaver arm up stream by the Vale Royal Locks or on the stretch from here to the locks as the bank overgrown now and you have to either wlk on the opposite side or take the Vale Royal Lock old road that used to run up to Vale Royal Abbey and Whitegate Village, nowadays you can still walk and cycle up the pot hole riddles road but you'd need some decent suspension in your car if you live in the lock keepers cottages.

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