My Daily Life in Photo's.

By Mothermudd

Horses for courses

I left home at 10 am to go to the Chemist to pick up my usual monthly meds, got there around 10.15am.
Sorry we don't have any meds for you; they checked & yes it was about a month ago when I last collected them; So they will make them up & it'll take approx 20 minutes; Ok, I had an errand to run & I'll come back; by this time it was 10.35am ish, off I went to run the errand driving 2 miles away & back after delivering the item I had, so when I got back it was almost 11am; the Meds are nearly ready; OK I'll wait. 15 minutes later still not ready; by this time I needed the Loo, I popped next door into my Doctors who were very nice & let me use the facilities.
Back to the Chemist & another 10 minutes & finally I got my Meds. 
CRAZY I know!
Off to the Community Fridge to get a few things before going home & getting there at 12.15pm.
OMG! Breathe! ........
I needed a cup of Tea by this time.
An afternoon of relaxing before preparing & making Dinner.
Dinner eaten & then off to Babysit for the evening.
Grandchildren were in Bed when I arrived & stayed there all evening even when I popped into check on them; they were excited to see me, but they stayed in bed, Bless them. :)
First time I've babysat in their new home, so this is where I found an Under the Sea theme in the Bathroom & instead of 3 flying birds on the wall I found 3 Seahorses.
My son walked me home once his Fiance was home. :)

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