
By IainatCreel

Round the Bend

I like a good lashing.  Walked up to the Village Kirk café.  CMC is not a regular attendee but her piano teacher has a cold.  The server asked me if I wanted a piece with my tea.  Earlier CMC had delivered three items she’d baked yesterday.  I refused everything as I’d had a previous fill.  My wedding vows indicated I am employed as her taster.  My pal Geordie was marked absent – he’s still in Madeira.  Eoin was also absent because of a sniffle.  I missed my male bonding; we usually use Uhu.  On the way home we got a real spell of hail and heavy rain, a real drookity lashing
People should be more discerning.
I hope Canadian Blippers will be supporting Manu Katché.

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