A Meringue? Or Am I Right?
Not a back blip!
I walked out this morning to stretch my legs and do a couple of little chores before starting work. I popped into our local menders to drop off a top I'd like repaired. Stopped to talk to our postwoman and chatted about her new-style uniform jacket. Went into the little 'lingerie/haberdashery shop to enquire about something and the owner has ordered it for me and will have it next week. Stopped to chat to a neighbour. Lastly, went into one of the baker's (not a chain) as I fancied croissants for mid-morning. All of this was, quite literally round our block and no more than 3 mins from our front door!
I'm not a big fan of meringues, but I always smile when I see them and think of this old joke - you've got to say it with a Scottish accent!
Rest of the day was Tokyo Teens marking and I'm about to do 30 mins of quality assurance monitoring now and call it a day.
Very happy that my mother-in-law got out of hospital last night and is back in the care home. She's a fighter.
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