Thank you card...
My quick watercolour sketch of Loch Tay on watercolour card that I planned to give to my Gynae at my six week check. I realised this morning that I've painted it on the wrong side of the card, which explains why it wasn't quite as textured as I'd hoped! LOL! I'll paint another one.
We've managed to get into a nice little routine. As long as I'm not silly and try to lift things or bend and stretch too far, I can do all of my usual morning routine without D's help now. Every stage a victory for independence :-)
I got a call from the health centre early afternoon as my GP has received a letter from Gynaecology updating her on my surgery. She asked the receptionist to make a telephone consultation with me on 17th March to go over it all and check I am still recovering. I also received a letter from my Gynae this afternoon, detailing all my surgery and my discharge information / medication. The letter also stated I had lost 800ml of blood. I think that was mentioned to me when I was still in a state of fog after the op and I'd forgotten.
Another beautiful delivery of flowers arrived, this time from Kenny's sister Aileen, followed half an hour later by a Bloom and Wild delivery of fancy teabags, a delicious biscuit and candle from my friend Fiona.
After lunch I got settled and crocheted some more of the pram blanket for our friends' baby due late spring. I'm hoping the yarn for Jen's throw arrives tomorrow and I can't wait to start it. Beautiful sunny day so D managed to get an hour at the driving range. I am glad as he's been so attentive, making sure I am as comfortable as I can be. Good for him to get some fresh air and time to himself.
Got some lovely time arranged with friends over the coming week, some online and some in person. FaceTiming Jude in Australia on Saturday, seeing Keith & Mairi on Monday, seeing Lauren on Thursday for a manicure, then Ele and Kenny coming up on Friday. Kenny and D will play golf after lunch and Ele and I will chill and make plans for adventures once I am fully allowed out to play again.
D made delicious sirloin steaks with garlic and rosemary butter and baby potatoes for dinner. My contribution was homemade cauliflower cheese bake, all made from scratch on the sparking Aga! LOL! D had to drain the cauliflower for me as the pot weighed more than I'm allowed to lift, but it felt good to contribute to dinner.
Got a message from Alan's support worker Vickie. She's made something for me that she's bringing in tomorrow. Oh my! I think I have tomorrow's Blip sorted!! :-)))
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