
By TMac

Back on the Wagon

I'm back!
With a new purpose.
Sort of.

The next 365 days will hopefully be a record of gratitude/walks/photos.
I'm recording this on my Facebook page at the moment, but may switch to her if I take my usual rest from social media. 

So, day 1. Copied and pasted from my FB page (some days I post more than one photo, so I'll need to prune!)

Thank you to everyone who has taken time to text, message, and post today. 
I'm not a big fan of birthdays, but it's getting easier, and for that I'm grateful. 
I don't "do" resolutions, and I don't believe in setting challenges that may not be achievable. 

However, today, I took a walk between a much needed, and appreciated (thank you Agnes McAdam ) yoga class and a nice birthday lunch with the lovely Gillian Smith . I pondered on the significance of having achieved 57 circuits of the big yellow ball in the sky.
I reflected on the challenges of the past few years, and those that lie ahead. 
I corrected myself and reminded myself that as well as challenges, there have been achievements.

So, I sort of set myself a wee challenge as the countdown to 58 (!!) begins.
Who knows how successful it will be.
I'm not going to cry if I can't achieve it.
I'll celebrate the little successes as they arise. 

The plan:
A daily gratitude. 
A daily walk. No target, but hopefully at least a mile.
A daily photo.

Anyone want to join me?
Post your day.

I am grateful for my amazing family.
I walked a mile after yoga. Not much, but better than nothing. 
Extra photos today, because it's my birthday!!

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