
By Charlie17

I Can See For Miles!

It's own up time. I used the contents of my blip of yesterday to make a rather tasty tomato sauce. I didn't use the leaves.
Today's blip is a shot from Fyvie Golf Course which is in the middle of Aberdeenshire. You get some lovely views from up there.
The village of Fyvie is centre right and Fyvie Castle is centre left.
I enjoyed the golf but I suspect this is the best shot!!

A joke for Duncan and anyone else who likes tractors!

When Kevin was a little boy, he was crazy about tractors. He had pictures of tractors on his bedroom wall, he had loads of model tractors, and his parents even took him to tractor pulling contests.
However, as he got older, he began to lose interest in tractors as other things occupied him, such as beer, girls and football.
Anyway, one evening, Kevin is sitting in the pub with his pals discussing Scotland's chances in the next World Cup, when suddenly, the pub is filled with thick, acrid smoke.
Everyone started coughing, spluttering, screaming and rushing for the exits when Kevin jumped to his feet, and shouted "Stop!" and he started waving his arms about like a helicopter.
In an instant, the smoke all disappeared and everyone started praising Kevin.
" How did you do that? It was amazing"
" It was nothing", said Kevin, "You see, I'm an ex-tractor fan!"

" I always wanted to be the last guy on earth, just to see if any of those women were lying to me".
Ronnie Shakes

Sent from my iPad

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