When I got up this morning I saw frost on the roofs opposite the kitchen. It was still frosty and cold in the shade when I walked to work a couple of hours later.
Walking through the hospital grounds I noticed that part of a fence had broken down making a small field near a car park accessible. Some of the staff had put seats in there for use on their smoke breaks.
I had time so I checked out the little field. The view is pretty good from it and I might Blip it another day, but I really like the patterns of this frosty foliage today.
Work was busy on and off today, but Claire said it had been a pretty quiet week. I had a walk to Tesco to buy more chips and some tinfoil and forgot to take a carrier bag so I scrounged a cardboard box from one of the staff filling the freezer to carry them in to save buying another bag.
We had some of my favourite caramel shortbread today and I was looking forward to having a piece when I came home, but the very last customer bought all four bits that were left, along with some other things. So I bought a caramel doughnut from the Coop on my way home, at great expense!
I ate it with a coffee and chilled out with my book once home while Brian went to visit his family.
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