It’s been a gloriously sunny day today, with blue skies, for which I was grateful for more than one reason. Apart from obviously enjoying the sunshine after such a prolonged wet and dreary spell, it was very helpful to have a dry day because we had an engineer working on our wifi network. This entailed him going outside and drilling holes through the brickwork to run wires around the outside wall of the house, so the good weather was a bonus. Our internet is now whizzing along at lightning speed, and all the dead spots have been eliminated, which is very satisfying.
After the engineer had left I made a beeline for the path at the back of the garden, where eight hepatica plants were planted a couple of years ago. Not all of them have taken well, but I had spotted this one a few days ago which looked as though it was about to burst into flower, and also another clump with some blooms about to open, but the others have either died or are looking a bit sorry for themselves. I’m happy though, as long as I’ve still got this one lovely plant to enjoy.
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