Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands


Today has been a much needed day of rest for both of us. The last week has been busy. We took our time getting ready for the day and have just relaxed. The weather has been lovely so Little Man helped me bring wood into the house this morning. He then went and spent about an hour in the garden, which gave me the opportunity to vacuum and mop the floors. I have had the fire on because the house has a tendency of feeling like it's a few degrees cooler inside than outside. This isn't something that I tend to notice unless I've stepped out the house to being some wood in. The side of the house where the doors are tends to be out of the wind, it can be quite nice, but the moment you walk around the corner, on a windy day, you get battered by the wind. Thankfully, today has been pretty calm.

Little Man has been full of giggles and energy all day. He had his moments of calmness, when he's be laying on the floor, playing with his toys or sitting on the sofa with his apple pieces (he's still obsessed with the fruit). He did make a bit of a mess of the lounge at one point but it was quickly tidied away before I got to the cleaning. He helped me with dinner, mainly by standing on the little step ladder and telling me what was in the pan and the slow cooker. He can be quite a chatter box when he wants to.

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