Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

It's The Till Rolls Again.

It was frosty this morning - but lovely and sunny so the frost didn't last too long.

When we came out of the shop I really liked the contrast on the sculpture of the till rolls, so had to go and try and capture it. I didn't get what I wanted (I don't think the wee camera's metering system is quite up to it).
There are 4 more shots over here - but if you can't be bothered, the one in the extras gives an idea of the textures with were reflecting the light.

When we got home there was a a big vegetable chopping session for tonights meal and freezer re-stocking.

During the afternoon there was another clear-out of slides and pictures which have no relevance or memory jogging ability for either of us. By the end of it my back and shoulders knew all about it. Still loads more to go though.

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