
By Teasel


I didn’t sleep well. The pain from my dodgy hip woke me up in the middle of the night. I think I eventually got back to sleep.

Somehow I managed to get myself to work, and that included standing all the way to Edinburgh as there were no seats on the bus. It wasn’t too bad. We had a nice chat with a neighbour, but I was disappointed that I couldn’t read my book, as I am reading Conclave, and I really wanted to get back to it!

Work was busy, with lots of colleagues in again. I crippled about, and felt like I had aged!! Painkillers kept me going. I did escape for a short walk at lunchtime, to get my hip moving, and it definitely helped. It was such a lovely day. Very spring like.

I had to leave sharp tonight, as I was meeting TT at his office. The walk up the bridges was hideous, as I was walking (slowly), and was going against the majority. I made it eventually, and he wasn’t ready! We went for some food. I was very disappointed with mine, he enjoyed his. We then walked slowly to the Festival Theatre.

We went to see the Scottish Opera production of The Makropulas Affair. I had no idea what to expect, but really enjoyed it. It was a complicated story, thankfully sung in English not Czech. The sets and costumes were fabulous, as were the performances.

After it was over we wandered to the bus stop, and had a bit of a wait for a bus. Once on the bus I got my book out, until half way home the driver put the lights out!! I am destined to not make progress with my book.

This is a view along Lauriston Place as the sun was going down. The extra was taken at lunchtime.

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