I went to a dressage clinic as moral support with daughter K today. She was very nervous because the tutor was an Olympic champion & K felt she was too novice to take the lesson. She & Donny (her horse) did very well & learnt some ways to correct the issues that affect her scores when competing. I was instructed to video the lesson so that she could study it when she got home. This didn’t go too well as I hadn’t pressed start for the first 5 minutes of the recording - doh! I hope the rest of it was ok when she watched it.
I’ve discovered that horses are a lot of work, I left home at 11.30am & got back at 6pm all for a 45 minute lesson, it’s a good job K loves riding so much.
Sister C & her partner P called round this evening bringing gifts for my birthday tomorrow.
Pleased to report that my kingfisher image received the highest score last night.
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