
By Wildwood

Flower Friday. : : South African Daisy

Although we are both still testing positive, we both feel that our main symptom is fatigue and lack of energy. We went to coffee this morning wearing masks and sitting at a distance. John forgot his hearing aids so couldn't hear very well but it feels important to have a bit of social contact as we are getting quite tired of each other! 

John's computer died and Jim came and got it and took it home with him to try and figure out if it is a faulty cord, a faulty battery, or just dead! My computer has been behaving very well since I figured out how to stop it from overheating. resetting the SMC was presented as a last resort but turned out to be quite a simple process and it worked immediately. One small victory.

I've had two ocular migraines today. Unlike their name, they are not painful or even headaches but just a visual disturbance caused by an expanding circle of jagged lines around the edge of the visual field. They never last more than twenty minutes or so, but make it difficult to do much until they pass. One of the main causes is stress which I don't doubt much right now.

This is the last day of February, the shortest month but nevertheless seems to have passed without much notice. I feel a little as if I have been sleepwalking through the days. Today has been beautiful and we took Spike for a little walk in the neighborhood. The couple on the corner  has been doing extensive house remodeling and rendered the street almost impassible as a result of parked workers' vehicles, trucks and a mailbox built like the proverbial brick sh*thouse sticking out into the street right on a blind curve. John noticed that it is the only mailbox on that side of the entire length of the street. Everybody hates it and will no doubt be rejoicing in the fact that there was a worker there today knocking the whole thing down. It took him all day....

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