
By analogconvert13

Surprise! Lumix M4/3 14mm

We were given a cutting from an ancient Clivia plant by our neighbors some years ago.  Eventually, it outgrew its pot and we split the plant into two.  One of them lives at work in an extremely friendly environment for plants to flourish: there's a burst of strong morning sunlight, and my colleague to give the Clivia and all her other plants the love and attention they deserve.  Unsurprisingly, this one flowered last year, and is doing so again right now.
The Clivia at home lives in eternal twilight, since our apartment is north-facing, and no plant we've ever had here has survived.  It doesn't look nearly as healthy as its sister.  But...  in the last few days, we see that she has also decided to bloom.  Here are the beginnings.  Needless to say, we're thrilled!

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